It costs a bit of money to get a broken key out of a lock. If you don’t know how to take your lock apart or don’t fancy the idea of procuring an old hacksaw blade and sticking it in your keyway to get junk out of there, consider inspecting your keys for hairline fractures and replacing the ones that look like they might break soon. You are also well advised to not use keys to pull doors open. They are only for unlocking doors, not pulling them open. If you abuse your keys, you may be looking at a $65 charge sooner rather than later!
I can copy keys for you, but you can copy your keys inexpensively at many places including your local hardware store or even Fred Meyer’s, where it is about $2/key. Be advised, they don’t always work very well. Test them to be sure when you get home. Better yet, keep an original code cut key in your desk and always make copies of that key.